Welcome to Rokkhi.tech

What Is Rokkhi?

Apartment building and Gated community living have become a staple of modern life in South East Asia. Security at gated communities has long followed the conventional ‘man guarding’ and ‘paper-pen system’. The process is inefficient, inconvenient and error prone, making not only the life of security guards difficult but also raises a grave concern and a challenge in security for the apartment dwellers. Rokkhi is a digital security management solution for gated premises ensuring maximum security and comfort to residents, guards, management committees and visitors. Rokkhi provides an accurate system of premise and real-time data to benefit users. Rokkhi simplifies the problems and solves it instantly! All of that is needed is a smartphone – that’s it!

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Why Rokkhi

At Rokkhi, our mission is to provide safe and convenient property access solutions by leveraging robust and secure technologies. It is designed to be adaptable to any size community or building, large or small. Rokkhi is able to improve security and access standards within a gated community by mobilizing cloud-based technologies to streamline both Security and Administrative Management functions using a single mobile app! Rokkhi provides an end-to-end security system that is technically solid and ensures data security

Secured System

Rokkhi’s unique and robust technology ensures all-round security for every home

Low Cost Installation

A very low installation fee is needed.

Time Saver

With its interactive platform Rokkhi keeps you connected with your apartment security system in real time, no matter where you are!

Low Monthly Fee

With a goal to ensure security for everyone, Rokkhi keeps the service charge very low.


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